When it comes to personal finances, your credit score is the single most important number you should know. It’s also important to know how to build and continually improve your credit score throughout your life.
"It's crucial for everyone to build and maintain a solid credit score because it's a figure that will effect job possibilities, loan approvals, and even the ability to rent an apartment," said Derek Kramer, Mortgage Loan Officer at BANK. "It's critical to make financial decisions that don't put you in a position where you're overextending yourself and jeopardizing your credit score."
Your ability and willingness to pay your payments on time is reflected in your credit score. Lenders will see you as a lower-risk borrower if you have a high credit score. This can lead to reduced interest rates on loans or approval for credit cards with better rewards levels. Even the cost of insurance premiums can be influenced by a credit score. In the end, a good credit score will save you money in the long run.
To calculate a credit score, FICO considers five basic elements. Some have a greater influence than others, but each factor is considered when determining a person's ability to repay a loan.
Credit Ranges
Credit scores vary depending on the credit model used to measure your credit. Typically the ranges fall in the following categories:
Tips for Improving Your Credit Score
Building and maintaining a high credit score requires organization and willpower to live within your means. Following are steps you can add to your daily routine that will help you improve your credit score.
The better your credit score, the more easily you will be able to make purchases, such as a home, or even a new car. When you are ready to finance one of these things, visit us at www.bank.bank/personal/personal-lending.
Tips provided by the Iowa Bankers Association.