Emphasize smart financial decisions that keep as much of your income with you as possible. Practical farm and agribusiness checking and savings accounts avoid unnecessary fees. Minimize or eliminate costly fees, depending on your transaction volume. When paired with Business Online Banking, you get 24/7 access to your accounts.
To open an account, find a location near you>Basic Business Checking | Small Business Checking | Business iChecking | Tailored Business iChecking | |
Choose this account if… | Your business has few transactions each month and your record-keeping needs are minimal | Your business has 50–150 transactions a month and you can maintain a minimum daily balance | You want an interest-bearing checking account and have less than 150 transactions per month | You want to customize pricing based on your monthly business activity and transaction volume |
Monthly Transaction Volume | No fee if fewer than 50 deposit or withdrawal items per month; fees charged for more than 50 transactions | No fee if fewer than 150 deposit or withdrawal items per month; fees charged for more than 150 transactions | No fee if fewer than 150 deposit or withdrawal items per month; fees charged for more than 150 transactions | Higher balances and higher transaction volume equal lower monthly fees when requirements are met |
Statement Type | E-Statement | E-Statement or monthly paper statements with check images | E-Statement or monthly paper statements with check images | E-Statement or monthly paper statements with check images |
Minimum Daily Balance Requirement | No minimum balance | $1,500 | $1,500 | No minimum balance |
Online Banking | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Business Savings | Premier Business Money Market Account | |
Choose this account if… | Your business needs a standard interest-bearing account | Your business can maintain an even higher minimum balance, which gives you a higher interest rate |
Minimum Daily Balance Requirement | $500 | $10,000 |
Opening Balance | $50 | $0 - $100,000 |
Interest | Interest paid on entire balance | Tiered interest paid on entire balance; calculated daily, credited monthly |
Transaction Limits | Up to 6 withdrawals per month without a charge | Up to 6 withdrawals per month without a charge |
Statement Type | Quarterly paper statements or E-Statements | Monthly paper statements or E-Statements |
Farm Certificates of Deposit
Choose a maturity term and rate with the best value for your farm business. With terms ranging from 91 days to five years, you can select a certificate of deposit to match your business savings goals. The term length and rate determine pricing. A $1,000 opening balance gets you started.
Reach Our for Term and Rate Information>Pay employees or originate payments to customers. For a monthly fee, take advantage of the full suite of time-saving business tools, such as:
Give your customers easy payment options with electronic card processing. BANK ensures you have everything you need, including:
Handle account transactions without leaving your office. Electronic business deposits are handled safely and quickly. In the office or on the go, you can: